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Hearts Desire
"Hearts Desire"
Giclee on canvas
Dimensions: 20" x 15"
Edition of 295
SRP: $495

Meet John Alvin

rtist John Alvin is a master of cinematic art. His work is familiar to any one who has seen the posters he created for numerous blockbuster movies, including “E.T.,” “The Color Purple,” “Cocoon” and “Blade Runner.” Today, his specialty work involves making licensed art prints and cinema art.

Recently, Collectors Editions sat down with John to learn a little more about his life “behind the canvas”:

What's in your iPod?
The Beatles. Bob Dylan. Paul Simon. ZZ Top. Old guy stuff reaching back to the 60s.

Last movie you saw?
“The Prestige” on DVD.

What are you reading?
“Misquoting Jesus,” but I haven't read it yet. I prefer books with pictures.

What did you want to be when you grew up?
An artist, although I haven’t yet grown up.

What was your first job?
Building a house with a girlfriend’s father.

What is your favorite time of day to paint?
Now. No, wait—right now. No, wait—just now. No—now.


Favorite color?
Red. I mean the powerful pigment exemplified by Winsor and Newton’s Cadmium Red Light oil pigment. I don't use this product, but it’s that exact color. I paint with acrylics.

Favorite place to eat?
Home. With Andrea, my wife and the other half of my brain.

Animals? What kind and how many?
One. White standard poodle named Milo and known as The Village Idiot.

Blue Fairy
"The Blue Fairy" is that wonderful magical character that bestows both the beauty and the responsibilities of life on our perfect little puppet Pinocchio.

Each edition of Behind the Canvas will feature a different artist in our Q&A section who will create a unique sketch, painting or drawing. Galleries are encouraged to visit our Web site to find out how they can become the new owner of the original artwork featured. To learn how you can acquire this lovely 6"x7" graphite drawing of "The Blue Fairy" by John Alvin, go to

Greatest artistic influence in your life and why?
Alphonse Mucha. I learned to draw well from his draftsmanship.
His descriptive outlines gave me a greater understanding of what interior forms were being described just by manipulating the line's character. His decorative approach to design gave me a sense of understanding opulence in art and the sensuality of his women transcends all periods of art history. The formal and yet beautiful nature of display of subject influences me still.

Tell us one thing we might be surpised to know about you.
I'm afraid that I might be a writer instead of a painter.

What one word describes you?

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